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Illinois Band Space Dust Talks About New Single And More

AUTHOR: Dustin Faye

Recently, Illinois band Space Dust released “Beautifully Painful”, a noisy acoustic track that sends chills through you with every listen. We got to talk to them about the single and the band itself!

What’s it like being in a band by yourself?

being in a band by myself is really interesting because it allows me to get more creative with my own lyrics and stylings and to put more of my own touches on everything. at the same time, it can be difficult without more creative input.

Would you ever accept more members into space dust?

i would absolutely welcome more members into space dust. the creative process with more people would be interesting to work with and i would love to try it.

What was a goal you were looking to meet by releasing “Beautifully Painful”?

my main goal with ‘beautifully painful’ was to create something that people could resonate with, but to still have more of a concrete meaning behind it, that being a point of view from someone who was hurt, but rather than grieving is more admiring the time spent.

Do you think you’ve met that goal/will meet that goal?

based on some of the feedback i’ve received from friends and family on the song, and based on how i felt with the outcome i feel like i have achieved that goal in writing ‘beautifully painful’.

Is there anything that inspires you?

my biggest inspirations are my own passion for creating music and my mom, who has always been incredibly supportive of what i want to create.

What is something you are looking to achieve while being in space dust?

more long term goals with space dust would be to release more music, possibly go on some tours, and just get the name out there.

Dream bands to play alongside?

some bands that i would love to play alongside would be my friends in cleveland avenue, the frights, origami angel, and rob zombie.

If you were one inanimate object, what would you be?

if i were any inanimate object i would be the deep dish pizza sticker inbetween the tone and volume knobs on my guitar.

Are there any releases planned for the near future or will we be waiting for a while?

as of right now i’m still writing the rest of an EP, maybe it’ll include ‘sick’ and ‘beautifully painful’ but i’m not sure yet. my plan is to have that released in either late may or early june.

If you could describe how space dust sounds in two words, what would you say?

two words for space dust sounds: energetic, intergalactic.

What’s something you hope to see as you release more music/do more things as space dust?

i would just like to create a personal fan base and community. artist to listener communication is really important to me as it’ll let me hone in what people are and aren’t liking from me.

How do you think your past self would react to what you’re doing now?

as someone who has always been interested in music and my own creativity, my past self would be very excited to see what i’m doing with my musical capabilities.

Lastly, Do you have any final comments?

for final comments, thank you to everyone who has been supportive so far and i hope i can keep you on board in the future. you all mean the world to me.

Check out Space Dust and stream “Beautifully Painful” at these links!

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