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  • Writer's pictureMainstream Magazine

Our Statement On Black Lives Matter & Our Current Justice System

hey everyone,

we figured it was about time we spoke on this. let's get one thing straight; black lives matter. they always have mattered, they always will matter, and nothing will convince us otherwise. we've been actively fighting for justice outside this account, but we wanted to make sure we officially set our values to our followers. we demand the justice system be reformed. police brutality does not and should not go unnoticed or without consequence. human life is a beautiful, precious thing that cannot be restored, therefore it is appalling to continue to hear that, every single day, lives are taken to police brutality. those who are supposed to "protect and serve" are the same pigs that care so little about the consequences of their actions, and you wonder why we're so upset? we do not condone violence, however, when a minority is continuously singled out and harmed without reason by the very individuals who have sworn to keep society safe from harms way, there will be reactions, and they will not always be peaceful. we've tried peace, but our cries went unnoticed. do not be surprised when those being oppressed, and their allies, begin to fight back.

please. continue to sign petitions. continue to donate. continue to protest. continue to demand change. people of color, know that we hear you, and that we are a safe space. we are here for you, whatever your needs may be. we encourage you to share your perspectives and experiences.

we will not be offended if you choose to unfollow us because of our views/what and who we choose to support.

-Mainstream Magazine

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